VDSL please! When the Telekom is to Terrorkom! This is a special blog entry to which I can not get around it.
It is my experience report on VDSL. I graduated in
Telekom VDSL25 contract and get everything else but
not only VDSL25.
all began in late July at a sales counter of the German Telekom.
I would have VDSL 25th Oh that's no problem I said
seller and quickly checked with me at all because if VDSL is available.
That was then and it would now go all GANNNNNZ straightforward.
began Since Telekom your story!
But of this I still knew nothing. I signed the contract and then just waited.
I got the hardware and also a written confirmation. But that had nothing to do with VDSL. It was a confirmation to a simple DSL connection Telekom.
I then called Telekom and asked for explanation. must
For technical reasons you first want DSL: This was the following. Only then we can switch to VDSL
it! I've already heard a lot of rubbish on the phone and wanted to get
be secured and the lady asked me to confirm this in writing.
But who wants to have a written statement at the Telekom or explanation of the process makes seemingly unpopular and this desire is immediately rejected or even ignored. For I have written till now nothing about this process: first DSL then VDSL.
It took a few weeks and then they called me on the phone The first time a date for the switch to VDSL: 24 August!
Well unfortunately it was just a lie. I have to say so hard for whoever promises me something and then not comply with the lie that, do not I see this wrong? Then the date was postponed for a week and even then nothing happened.
then I expressed my displeasure for the first time on Twitter and zag, @ Telekom_hilft reported to me and wanted to help me solve my problem soon ... Since it started to be on more incomprehensible.
I was asked to send further information in order to accept the case. The I did, and the opposite side then signed up at some point by phone. But since there were only empty words.
Many customer service I had on the phone, told me with the note it is an informal statement, Telekom has serious problems in the data accounts. It was hard to come by themselves and is not currently able to be lord of chaos.
That made me curious! There are Internet forums where users who presented exactly as Telekom employees the same problem with the data reporting problems.
Okay .. So far as I know that have data problems, but that's not my problem! If
Telekom has internal problems, then yes, it is not the customer has to suffer because the pay's like I already his fees with you!
Next, we go on Twitter.
non 1:1 direct mail, but the content is genuine.
Telecom: You want to find a solution with me what I had in mind.
Me: Yes, the solution is, I quickly switched VDSL!
Telekom: We know that a shift to VDSL is currently not possible.
(The sales pitch but it was still available and on the Internet also?)
Me: Then I would now like us an honest answer in writing to the following question:
Why is it not possible at the moment I want to VDSL?
Telekom: I call on the same to you to describe the situation.
Me: No, please send me the description of writing I want to finally have in writing.
Telekom: Then I know that. In the next days they will receive a letter with the information you want.
Me: Give me all by email. They can do so, since they have already offered me a solution via email.
Telekom: I can tell you, unfortunately, only what My colleague on the phone and you have described to you in the e-mail
I:? And what they wanted to portray me then on the phone?
Telekom: So you know that we are here for you and you do not feel alone. We provide everything you need to get soon VDSL.
end of their communications on Twitter.
Okay who would feel really hard now not kidding by the telephone?
I have to date received no written comments on the matter. It does it all, only on the phone and all promises and commitments, unfortunately no value because you can not prove this as a customer. If you ask whether you can record the conversation, this is immediately blocked.
Now I should get my mid-September VDSL. This one has me (how could it be otherwise) assured on the phone.
Even in Tpunk they told me that there is a problem here.
Okay Telekom AG AG = Aktiengesellschaft has therefore a major problem. As AG is committed to such serious problems by means of an Ad Hoc to publish notice. This must be submitted in advance of the BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Services). They know, however, nothing of the apparently serious problems are already used by many people, unfortunately, have been reported unofficially.
So my experience with Telekom, let me state quite clearly in the current situation. A switch to Telekom with VDSL, provides a lot of problems, false statements on the phone and empty promises from customer advisers.
I hope I'll get my VDSL 25 000 without the help of a lawyer.
Now I would be interested to know who is similar or even the same annoying experience and tales of Telekom has experienced.
love Telekom, if you read this you may feel you addressed and finally stop statements and ineffective methods such as phone to make arrangements! And start to write to finally clear text, which would be much more honest and would make it easier for the future of the relationship with customers.
Thanks I have done ... or not ... it shows the middle of September ....